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Hungarian Rectors' Conference

Statutes of public corporation


The Hungarian Rectors' Conference is an independent, consultant public corporation with legal personality, entitled to represent higher education institutions and to protect their interests, cooperating in performance of state tasks.


I.1. Name: Hungarian Rectors’ Conference

Short name: HRC
Seat: 1068 Budapest, Benczúr utca 43.
Year of establishment: 2006

President: Dr. László Borhy rector
Co-president: Dr. Béla Merkely rector

I.2. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference has a status of public benefit organisation without the need to be registered as a public benefit organisation.

I.3. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference according to Art. 75 (5) of the Act of CLXXV. of 2011, on the Right of Associations, Non-profit Status, and the Operation and Funding of Civil Organisations (hereafter: Civil Act) till 31 May 2014. have recourse to benefits already obtained or guaranteed by legislation in force, notably entitlements related to prominent public benefit status.

II. Objective of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference

II.1. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference within its non-profit (and also key objective) task performs representation and protection of the interests of higher education institutions in accordance with Act CCIV. of 2011 on National Higher Education and according to other public welfare activities specified in relevant legislation.

The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, in order to fulfil its tasks and achieve its basic objective, provides a regular forum for keeping contact with the heads of higher education institutions to change opinions and to pass decisions and resolutions within the sphere defined by legislative provisions.

II.2. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall utilise its international network to promote Hungarian higher educational institutions. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference in order to enhance the number of students coming to Hungary within the framework of internships and students exchange and other international mobility programmes shall cooperate with Hungarian and international partner organisations. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall set up and maintain international relationships in order to prepare and perform mobility programmes. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference is entitled for compensation of its costs related to its activities, and incomes arising out of such activity shall be utilised for costs of such activities, redeployment for any other activity is only possible in case of permission of the President.

II.3. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference may benefit from its public benefit services other than its members.

II.4. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall not be entitled to pursue direct political activities; it shall be independent of political parties, and may not provide financial support to or may not be granted support from any political party; furthermore it shall not be entitled to set up or support Members of Parliament or members of local governments.

II.5. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference may pursue economic, business or investment activities in order to attain its targets and to ensure economic conditions for that purpose, but such activities may not constitute the main activities of the Public Corporation.

II.6. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference may pursue business or investment activities only for attaining its non-profit objectives or for any objective specified in its Statute, without endangering such non-profit objectives.

II.7. It is not entitled to divide its economic result, but has the right to use the same for activities pursued for achieving its objectives.

II.8. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference may award scholarships and provide one-off grants, and may employ full-time and part-time employees to effectively attain the targets set by it as a public corporation.

II.9. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall publish the main data of its activities and management on its website, or according to relevant legislation.

II.10. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference in all aspects meets the requirements of Art.30. (2) of the Civil Act, according to it: „A civil organisation shall deposit and disclose its financial report accepted by the body responsible for approval – in case of compulsory audit the audit clause or the independent audit report stating refusal of issuing the audit clause – and the public-benefit annex by the last day of 5th month following the closing date of balance of the said business year, in case of compulsory audit with the same form and content inspected by the auditor.”

III. Membership of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference

III.1. Establishment of membership

III.1.1. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference comprises the rectors of Hungarian higher education institutions who are members until they hold their position as rectors of the relevant higher education institutions.

III.1.2. Members of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall act to the best of their abilities during passing their decisions in favour of Hungarian higher education and higher education institutions.

III.1.3. No statutory declaration of acceptance is required for membership in the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

III.1.4. In case in the higher educational institution tasks of rector is performed by leader with temporarily mandate (eg. vice-rector mandated with the power of rector, proxy rector etc., hereafter: temporary leader) the rights arising out of membership are executed by temporary leader from the date of his/her assignment for the entire period of his/her mandate till the date of nomination of the rector with the full content specified in point III.3.

III.2. Termination of Membership

III.2.1. Membership shall terminate:

  • upon death of a member;
  • upon termination of the position of a member as rector.

III.2.2. Upon termination of a member’s position as rector of a higher education institution his/her membership and his/her position in the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall also terminate. In that case the new rector of the relevant higher education institution shall replace his/her predecessor in the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. Nevertheless, a new rector may become an officer only by election.

III.2.3. In case the rector position of the Honorary President terminates, he/she remain the honorary member in the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, and will keep the position of Honorary President.

III.2.4. No legal statement is required for termination of membership.

III.3. Rights and Obligations of the Members

III.3.1. Unless otherwise provided by these Statutes, members of the Public Corporation have equal rights and such rights are exercised through their personal cooperation.

Rights of the members of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall be as follows:

  • the members may attend the Plenary Session and shall have the right to act in advisory capacity and shall also have the right of voting;
  • to deliver their opinion and to make remarks or proposals on matters of concern of the Public Corporation;
  • to be elected to any position of the Public Corporation;
  • to get information from the heads and officers of the bodies of the Public Corporation.

III.3.2. Obligations of the members of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall be as follows:

  • to observe the provisions of the Statutes of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference and the relevant resolutions of the Plenary Session and of the management;
  • to perform their voluntary responsibilities in connection with the activity of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, and to promote the achievement of the targets of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference as may be required of the members;
  • to support the activity of the Public Corporation requiring their personal cooperation.

III.4. Conflict of interest rules

III.4.1. An executive officer of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference is the President, Co-President, Vice-President, the Honorary President, the member of Presidency and the Secretary General.

III.4.2. The member of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference may not become member of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee of Higher Education.

III.4.3. The President, Co-President, Vice-President, the Honorary President, the member of the Presidency and the Secretary General of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference may not become member of the Supervisory Board of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

III.4.4. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall pursue its activities in respect of and by observing the conflict of interest rules provided for in Civil Act (with special attention to its provisions contained in 38-39.§).

IV. Organization

IV.1. Bodies of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference comprise the Plenary Session, the Presidency, the President, the Co-President, Vice-Presidents, Honorary President, the Sections, the Committees and the Secretariat.

IV.2. Plenary Session

IV.2.1. The Plenary Session (hereafter: Plenary or Plenary Session) is the supreme representation organization of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. Its members are the rectors and – till the date of nomination of rector – the temporary leaders of the Hungarian higher education institutions.

IV.2.2. The Plenary Session shall be convened at least twice every year. The Plenary shall be convened in writing by the President. The Plenary Session shall be regarded convened according to the rules if the members have been notified of the Plenary Session in writing at least eight days before the date of the Plenary Session, and are informed on the agenda in writing.  If the Plenary Session has not been convened according to rules, the meeting can only be held if every person having the right to attend is in presence and agree to hold the meeting by unanimity. It shall be mandatory to convene a Plenary Session if requested by the members representing at least one-third of the votes. In that case, the proposal to convene the Plenary Session shall be forwarded electronically or by fax to the Secretariat of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. The decision on the place of the Plenary Session is made by the President based on the proposal of the Secretariat of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. The notice of the meeting shall contain the name and seat of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, the venue and date of the meeting, and the agenda in such a detailed manner that enable those having voting right to formulate their positions in subject matters to be discussed. The Plenary Session can only pass resolutions on matters notified in proper manner, unless two-third of members presented at quorum Plenary Session agreed on discussing the subject matter that has not been contained in the agenda.

IV.2.3. The members within 4 days after reception of the letter of invitation to the Plenary Session may submit a reasoned request to the President to supplement the agenda. The President has a right to make decision on the amendment of the agenda. If the President fails to decide on the supplement, or rejects the request, the Plenary Session separately pass the resolution on supplement the agenda prior passing resolution on the notified agenda.

IV.2.4. The President shall convene the Plenary Session in order to take the necessary measures if:

a) the assets of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference do not cover its due debits;

b) the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference anticipatory would not be able to fulfil its debits in due time; or

c) the achievement of purposes of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference are jeopardised.

On the Plenary Session convened by the above mentioned reasons the members shall take necessary measures to eliminate circumstances serving reason for its convocation.

IV.2.5. The following persons may take part at the Plenary Session and have the right to act in advisory capacity: the member of the Supervisory Board of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, a representative of the National Union of Students in Hungary, National Union of Ph.D. Students, Trade Union of Teachers in Higher Education each, and the president of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee of Higher Education, the Hungarian Doctoral Council and that of the Higher Education and Scientific Council.

IV.2.6. The Plenary Sessions are open meetings, the publicity may be restricted only in cases specified by law.

IV.2.7. The Plenary Session shall

a) accept or amend the Statute of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference; to which resolution ¾ majority of votes of members at presence requested;

b) elect the President and Co-President, the Vice-presidents ad the members of Supervisory Board of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference,

c) delegate members to the Hungarian Accreditation Committee of Higher Education [Section 71 (1) of the Act], to the Supervision Committee of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee of Higher Education [Section 29 (1) of the Government resolution 19/2012. (II.22.)] and to the Higher Education Planning Board [Section 15 of the Government resolution 19/2012. (II.22.)];

d) approve the budget of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference and set the extent of the membership fee paid by the institutions;

e) exercise control over the bodies of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference;

f) approve the annual work schedule and accept the annual budget of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference;

g) request reports from the President and the Presidency;

h) exclusively provide for the termination, dissolution or merger of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. A three-quarter majority of the votes of all members is required for passing such resolution;

i) perform all activities which are conferred under the competence of the members’ Plenary Session by the laws or these Statute;

j) approve the annual report – within it the report of the Presidency on the financial status of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference – and the public benefit report of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference;

k) exercise the employer rights on executive officers if the executive officer is an employee of the HRC;

l) approve contracts concluded between the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference and its members, executive officers, members of Supervisory Board, or their relatives;

m) decide on actions for damages against current and previous members, executive officers and members of Supervisory Board;

n) elect members of Supervisory Board, and shall decide on their revocation.

IV.2.8. Voting rights shall be due to members of the Plenary Session in proportion to the votes described in Appendix No. 1 to these Statutes. If a rector or the temporary leader is represented at the Plenary Session by another person, then such representative shall not have voting right, only shall have the right to act in advisory capacity.

IV.2.9. The Plenary Session has quorum if more than half of all votes are represented. If a member may not exercise his/her voting right in subject matter, his/her vote shall be leaved out of consideration of quorum. Prior the beginning of voting a two member vote-counting committee shall be elected. The Plenary Session is chaired by the President or Co-President, in case of their incapacitation the Chairman of the Plenary Session shall be elected after opening the session by simple majority. The election of the Chairman shall be followed by passing resolution on the agenda.

IV.2.10. The Plenary shall pass its resolutions by a simple majority of the votes represented. In case of equality of votes the issue in question shall be re-voted. In passing resolution the member shall not exercise his/her voting right:

  • who will be revealed from duty or liability or will be granted any advantage against the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference by the resolution;
  • who will be granted by a contract based on the resolution;
  • against whom a court procedure shall be initiated on the basis of the resolution;
  • who has a privy relative who is not a member of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference;
  • who has an interrelation based on the influence ensuring majority with a company privy in the decision;
  • who is otherwise personally concerned in the resolution.

IV.2.11. If  more than half of the votes are not represented at a Plenary Session convened – and as a consequence the Plenary Session fails to have quorum –, the chairman shall adjourn the Plenary Session, and shall set a new deadline for holding the Plenary Session which may not be later than within 15 days, with the issues of the original agenda. Members shall be notified of the opportunity of a repeated Plenary Session already in the invitation to the Plenary Session. The repeated Plenary Session shall have quorum irrespective of the number of those present and the proportion of the votes represented by the members.

IV.2.12. A repeated Plenary Session may not be convened within 1 (one) hour from the starting date of the originally convened Plenary Session.

IV.2.13. The employee of the Secretariat of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference appointed by the Secretary General shall keep the minutes of the Plenary Sessions. The approved minute apart by the keeper of the minutes shall be also signed by the President and the Chairman. The Secretariat shall inform those concerned on the decisions passed by the Plenary Session in writing within 15 days, and such decisions shall be published on the website of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

IV.2.14. The Secretariat shall keep records on the decisions of the Plenary Session suitable for the identification of the content, date, effect of the decisions as well as the numerical proportion (and the person if possible) of those voting for and against the decisions.

IV.2.15. Anyone may inspect the documents in connection with the operation of the organization at the seat of the organization at a time agreed in advance.

IV.2.16. The President – if necessary – may order the Plenary to pass resolution in certain issues electronically, by email without holding the session. In such case the votes shall be transferred to the Secretariat of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference by email. The convocation of Plenary is compulsory, voting cannot take place by email in matters stipulated in point IV.2.7. a)-h) and j) of this Statutes. The decision-making procedure without holding the session is effective if at least the number of votes required for having a quorum in case of holding a session are transferred to the Secretariat. The Secretariat shall convene the Plenary Session if any member requests to hold a meeting. The Secretariat shall settle the result of the voting procedure within three days following the deadline defined for submission of votes – if every member’s vote had come to hand prior the defined deadline, within three days after the date of receipt of the last vote- and shall announce to the members within further three days. Deadlines specified in this point may be declined in reasoned circumstances with the consent of the President. The date of the resolution is the last day of voting period, or the day of reception of the last vote if all votes have arrived prior the deadline.

IV.2.17. The President may, if necessary, order that a meeting of the Plenary Session be held by electronic means (by online platforms). An electronic means of communication capable of transmitting audio and video simultaneously must be capable of identifying members and of communicating between members without restriction. The invitation to the meeting shall state that the meeting will be held by electronic means.

IV.2.18. A meeting held by electronic means shall have a quorum if it is attended by sufficient members holding up more than half of the votes. Voting opportunities provided by online platforms may also be used during the voting process in the meeting. If necessary, the conditions for secret ballot shall be ensured during electronic voting process.

IV.3. The President, the Co-President, the Honorary President and Vice-Presidents

IV.3.1. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference is represented by the President.

IV.3.2. The President shall exercise all rights that are not assigned by these Statutes to the Plenary Session or the Presidency; in particular:

a) the President shall make proposal to appoint or remove the Secretary General, and shall control the activity of the Secretary General, and shall exercise employer’s rights.

b) On behalf of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference the President shall exercise:

ba) the right of issuance of official copies,

bb) transfer authorities,

bc) employer’s rights, and

bd) rights of representation.

c) The President shall convene the sessions of the Presidency.

IV.3.3. The President shall be replaced by the Co-President or by Honorary President.

IV.3.4. The mandate of the President, the Co-President and the Vice-Presidents shall be valid for two years. It shall be ensured during the elections that at least one position out of the position of the President, Co-President or three Vice-Presidents shall be held by a rector of university of applied sciences. The President, Co-President and Vice-Presidents may be re-elected.

IV.3.5. The President – in case his/her re-election does not take place – holds the position of Honorary President. If the President following in this position the Honorary President is re-elected, the Honorary President hold his/her position until the mandate of the President following the Honorary President will cease or is terminated by any other reasons.

IV.4. The Presidency

IV.4.1. The members of the Presidency of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference are the President the Co-President, the Honorary President, three Vice-Presidents, one member delegated by the State Institution Section, two members delegated by the Model Changing Section, two members delegated by the Religious Institution Section, one member delegated by the Private Institution Section and the president of the Rectors of Art Universities (MERSZ). The Head of the Supervisory Board and the President of the Committee of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference Trans-border Higher Educational Institutions shall be invited with right to act in advisory capacity.

IV.4.2. The activity of the Presidency shall be governed by the President. Those set forth above in relation to the Plenary Session shall apply to the operation of the Presidency as follows.

a) it shall hold its meetings at least six times every year;

b) its meeting shall have quorum if more than half of the members with voting rights are present;

c) every member shall have one vote with the deviation that Honorary President shall not have voting right, only shall have the right to act in advisory capacity;

d) it shall pass resolutions by a simple majority of votes presented;

e) procedural rules defined in Point IV.2.16. are applicable to decision-making procedure without holding a meeting.

IV.4.3. The Presidency shall:

a) approve commitments exceeding HUF 1 million undertaken by the President;

b) co-ordinate the activities of the Sections and Committees;

c) invite the representatives of the Committees to its meetings as necessary,

d) delegate representatives to the meetings of the National Conference of Students in Hungary, National Union of Ph.D. Students, National Accreditation Board and the Higher Education Planning Board, and shall appoint the person taking part in the work of the Reconciliation Council of Higher Education;

e) approve the appointment and remuneration of the Secretary General;

f) decide on the approval of committees’ operational rules and election of their president and co-president;

g) accept reports of committees;

h) decide on the revocation of Presidents of Committees

i) approve by-laws on the internal functioning of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

IV.4.4. The Presidency may act relating to any issue that is not assigned to the competence of other body by the Statutes or the Plenary Session.

IV.4.5. The members of the Presidency shall be elected for two years, and may be re-elected however many times.

IV.5. Sections

IV.5.1. A state section, a public-interest asset management foundations (hereinafter: model changing institutions), a religious institution section and a private institution section shall function within the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

IV.5.2. Each Section shall be headed by its president.

IV.5.3. The President of the Section is one of the delegated member to the Presidency. If the President of the Section is elected member of the Presidency, the Section shall delegate another member to the Presidency instead of him/her. The Section shall delegate members to the Presidency in a number specified in Point IV.4.1.

IV.5.4. A Section shall establish its own regulation of operation, and shall elect its president for the same term as the president of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

IV.5.5. The rules defined for the Plenary Session shall appropriately apply to the Sections (quorum, passing of resolutions).

IV.5.6. The Sections shall consult the competent committees on professional issues.

IV.6. Committees

IV.6.1. Committees comprising the rectors or representatives of rectors of higher education institutions (e.g. institutions of agriculture, medicine and health science, arts, teacher training) may function within the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

IV.6.2. Committees may be established in accordance with other principles as well.

IV.6.3. Committees are established by the Plenary with the exceptions specified by this Statutes.

IV.6.4. The Association of Collage of the Directors of University Libraries is the library committee of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

IV.6.5. The committee shall elect its president and co-president, that – with the exception of the committees set forth in Point IV.6.2. and IV.6.4. – has to be approved by the Presidency. The term of office of the president and co-president of the committee shall run from the date of approval by the Presidency and shall be retroactive to the date of their election. The Presidency of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall adopt unified committee rules of procedure, which has to be applied to all committees – with the exception of the committees set forth in Point IV.6.2. and IV.6.4. The Presidency of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference is entitled to amend the unified rules of procedure of the committee.

IV.6.6. The president of a committee shall ask the competent committee’s opinion on professional issues.

IV.6.7. The committees shall at least once in every half year report to the Presidency and through the Secretariat, shall regularly inform the Presidency on their activity. The Presidency shall make decision on the acceptance of the committees’ reports.

IV.6.8. With the exception of the committee set forth is Point IV.6.4., the president of a committee may be revocated before the expiration of his/her mandate by the Presidency.

IV.6.9. The Chair of Rectors of Art Universities (MERSZ) operates within the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, whose members are rectors of Higher Educational Institutions performing solely art education. The MERSZ shall establish its own regulation of operation, and shall elect its president.

IV.7. The Secretariat

IV.7.1. The Secretariat shall be responsible for proceeding in the issues of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. The tasks of the Secretariat are the follows:

  • management of daily tasks of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, decision-making in matters falling within the scope of competence of the management;
  • preparation of reports and presentation of these to the Plenary;
  • preparation of the annual budget and its presentation to the Plenary;
  • management of property of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, making decisions on issues related to the use of property and investments not falling within the scope of the Plenary, and these enforcement;
  • preparation of election of executive officers of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference;
  • convene the Plenary Sessions of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, notification of members;
  • determination of agenda of the Plenary Sessions convened by the President;
  • participation on Plenary Sessions and answering questions imposed related to the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference;
  • maintenance of the register of membership;
  • maintenance of resolutions, operational documents and other books of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference;
  • keeping records of the documents related to operation of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

IV.7. 2. The regulation of operation of the Secretariat shall be approved by the Presidency.

IV.7.3. The Secretariat shall be headed by the Secretary General.

IV.8. The Supervisory Board

IV.8.1. The Supervisory Board shall oversee the operations and financial management of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference in accordance with Section 41 of Civil Act.

In this function, it may request reports from the executive officers and information from the employees of the organization, furthermore it may review and audit the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference’s books and records.

IV.8.2. A member of the Supervisory Board may with the right of consultation participate in the meetings of the Plenary Session.

IV.8.3. The Supervisory Board shall comprise three members, and shall elect its chairman from among its members. The members of the Supervisory Board shall be elected by the Plenary Session for a period of two years. The Supervisory Board shall hold its meetings at least two times every year. Those set forth in relation to the Presidency shall also apply to the operation of the Supervisory Board on condition that the Supervisory Board is allowed to establish its own rules of procedures according to the statutory provisions and the rules of the Statutes. The Supervisory Board shall pass its resolutions by simple majority votes of members at presence.

V. Assets of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference

V.1. Pursuant to Act CCIV. of 2011 on Higher Education the economic and management conditions of the operation of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall be ensured, to the extent set forth in Appendix No. 2 to these Statutes, by higher education institutions whose heads are members of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

V.2. The signature of the President (or, if the President is not available, of the Co-President) shall be required for disposal over the bank account of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

V.3. Financial, management and accounting tasks and economic administration of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall be performed by the Secretariat of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference under the direction of the Secretary General.

V.4. The management of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall be based on

  • sources ensured by the institutions headed by the members,
  • supports obtained through tenders,
  • incomes coming from performing projects falling with the scope of its target activity,
  • donations.
  • other incomes.

V.5. In the event that an institution headed by any member might owe debt to the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference and such debt might not be settled in spite of a call repeated twice, then the representative (rector) of the institution owing debts in arrears may not exercise his/her membership rights in the period when the debt is due.

V.6. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall be liable for its debts with its own assets, and the members shall not be responsible for such debts.

VI. Termination of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference

The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall cease to exist if it is dissolved or declared terminated by a duly authorized agency. The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference shall cease to exist by the relevant legally binding decision of the Court.

VII. Closing provisions

VII.1. The Presidency shall (through the Secretariat) provide for the establishment of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference and for the publication of its operation and the method of the use of its services by announcing the relevant rules and information in the premises of the seat of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference within easy reach to anybody, and on the website of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

VII.2. To any issue not regulated by these Statutes the provisions of the current Civil Code on public corporations and regulations of the Civil Act shall apply.

Budapest, 11 September, 2021


Dr. László Borhy

President of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference


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