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Hallgatók a ConSIMium szimuláción

ConSIMium simulation with the participation of Hungarian students in Brussels

The Council of the European Union has launched its first higher education simulation competition between 2-3 February 2023. Students from all 27 member states could participate in the Council meeting simulation called ConSIMium, where six students represented Hungary, accompanied by a national coordinator from the HRC Secretariat. The students were selected after a three-round interview process in which their knowledge, English and rhetorical skills related to European studies were assessed.

Students who participated in the simulation:

  1. Corvinus University of Budapest – Lucia Bajnai (BA student in International Relations)

  2. Budapest Business University – Laura Szabó (BA student in International Management)

  3. Eötvös Loránd University – Márton Nagy (BA student in International Business and Economics)

  4. John von Neumann University – Anna Takács (MA student in International Management)

  5. Pázmány Péter Catholic University – Bian Hongyang David (undivided law student)

  6. University of Szeged – Anna Vaszkó (MA student at the Faculty of Law)

Below is an article about the two-day program by Laura Szabó, BA student in International Management at Budapest Business University, who participated in the simulation in the role of the journalist,:

From 2 to 3 February 2023, the ConSIMium EU Council Partnership simulation event was held for the first time, with a delegation of six from each member state. Each group had a head of state or government, a minister, an ambassador, two experts and a journalist.

Within the framework of the event, we simulated the work of the Council and its working groups with the members of the delegations. During the preparation, several positions had preliminary training, and two drafts were provided to us. Both related to environmental protection and sustainable development, one on alternative fuels, while the other dealt with the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and the subsequent goal of carbon neutrality.

The two meaningful days followed the same timetable as the Council when they are discussing a proposal in real time.  Following the meeting of the Heads of State or Government, supplementary proposals were referred to the working groups. The program of the second day started with the COREPER simulation. After productive work, ambassadors briefed ministers on the outcome of the negotiations, which led to the continuation of dialogue at the next meeting, this time by ministers. In the end, we closed a successful series of negotiations, and both amendments proposed by the Hungarian delegation were accepted and incorporated.

Within the framework of the simulation, we were able to successfully expand our knowledge and experience in practice everything that we often encountered only on a theoretical level during our trainings.


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