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HRC organised a successful PLA together with the University of Miskolc

As a member of the EFEE (European Federation of Education Employers), the Hungarian Rectors' Conference joined the Erasmus+ funded TeacherEd project, in the framework of which a peer learning activity programme was organised on 25-26 September 2024, in cooperation with the University of Miskolc.

Based on guidelines provided by the expert of the project, Hannah Grainger Clemson, more than 20 participants from abroad made suggestions for recommendations to help train, motivate and retain beginning teachers. During the PLA, experts from Portugal, Malta, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ireland, Scotland and Hungary saw that schools have a very large and important role to play alongside other actors. The final recommendations will be prepared for the final conference, which will take place in Ghent in May 2025.

On the second day, the group visited a primary school in Hejőkeresztúr, where the participants saw an impressive example of highly effective education for children. At the school, Dr. Emese Kovács developed the Complex Instruction Programme, and we were able to see the progress that even disadvantaged children can make in such an inclusive and supportive institution. Both the younger and older children played board games and programmed robots, and then presented folk and modern dance formations to the enthusiastic visitors. Everyone left with heart-warming experiences, and they can now use the good examples and useful tools to help young teachers in their own countries. 


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